Taking Care of Your Kids Teeth


We have a vital part to play taking care of our kids teeth and is a specialty for some dentists. Years ago, parents were not very concerned about the health or appearance of a child’s “baby” teeth. Many parents never took their children in for a checkup until the permanent teeth came in. Today, pediatric dental care begins at a younger age.

The first thing that is recommended is regular brushing. Special toothbrushes for young children are available in practically all department and drug stores.

Type of Toothbrush You May Need

The most important thing to look at when choosing a child’s toothbrush is the softness of the bristles. A child’s brush should be softer than an adult’s to avoid irritation of the gums.

Another thing to consider is the size of the brush handle. It should be small enough to fit comfortably in the child’s hand.


Keep Under Supervision When Very Young

Parents should always supervise brushing of kids’ teeth and keep the toothpaste out of the child’s reach. While fluoride is a tooth protection, it is also a toxin. Most cases of fluoride poisoning occur when a child consumes a large amount of fluoridated toothpaste. The flavouring makes them think it is candy or a food substance. So, you should put only a small amount of toothpaste on the brush and monitor brushing to ensure the child rinses and spits.

Teaching a good home routine is a big part of kids dental health. If a parent is not sure how to teach brushing or flossing, a pediatric dental office can help.

Flossing is an important part of good dental hygiene. Many cavities occur as a result of what is left between the teeth.

You may have heard that candy and sugary foods cause cavities. Dentists have changed their opinion about that. It is not the sugar. It is the amount of time the sugar is allowed to stay on the tooth.

Get Them into the Habit!

So, another important part of kids’ dental health is teaching them to brush after every meal and between snacks. It is still uncommon to see children lining up after lunch to brush their teeth, but parents can make sure that brushing after meals and snacks at home is a regular routine.


Good habits built during childhood will last into adulthood. You can help to ensure that your child has good dental health in the future by teaching those habits, today.

Kids teeth are still growing and developing. Routine checkups and good dental hygiene at home will help them grow straight and strong.

Important Points of Dental Hygiene

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