What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Perfect way to secure loose dentures, mini dental implants are a relatively new option for denture wearers. Instead of trying to deal with loose fitting dentures that make eating difficult and inhibit people from participating in social activities, the implant choice allows for a tight fitting appliance that is much more comfortable.

If you currently have a complete lower denture, a retaining fixture can be fitted into it. The top or ball of the implant will snap into this retaining fixture. With a little practice, removal and reinsertion is easy and takes very little time. There is no need to use a denture adhesive, as the implant will hold the denture firmly in place.

The devices were developed by two doctors in late 1997. In 1999, they were approved by the FDA and were introduced to dentists at a convention in April of that year. In the following years, the devices have become increasingly popular. It is one of the fastest growing segments of the industry, due to the millions of people that wear dentures.

If you and your dentist decide that the procedure is right for you, four small dental implants will be inserted in your lower jawbone. The procedure can be done by your regular dentist under local anesthesia.

Because the size of the devices is so small, the procedure is relatively painless and takes only about an hour of your time. Within an hour or two, the average patient can enjoy a light meal, without pain and with complete confidence.

The titanium alloy is strong enough to withstand the force of chewing, just like your natural teeth. As long as there is enough bone in your lower jaw to hold the screws, which is something that your dentist can determine during a single visit, you can expect an implant to last for decades. Although fractures do occur, as they would with your natural teeth, they are extremely rare.

Mini dental implants are less painful than the regular sized option. The recovery time is much shorter and the result is a tight denture, which is the ultimate goal.

They cannot be inserted into the upper jaw. A larger implant is needed for that area.

They won’t take the place of your dentures, as a permanent bridge or another kind of implant could, but they will make your existing dentures fit more comfortably, the cost of mini dental implants varies from one provider to the next. But, they are more affordable than other options. Ask your dentist about them today.